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Audio Visual Services

Audiovisual Equipment and Services In Your Hotel Contracts

In this video, you’ll learn about audiovisual equipment and services’ role in your hotel contracts and how to navigate to ensure all parties feel comfortable.


Barbara Dunn (representing Groups) Partner at Barnes & Thornburg, LLP

Lisa Sommer Devlin (representing Hotels) Devlin Law Firm, P.C.


  • It is more common now that hotels will have exclusive arrangements with an audio-visual company. If they do, the hotel contract should specify this exclusive arrangement.
  • Audio Visual Services provisions also typically address any cost and/or permissions needed if the Group wants to utilize its own audio-visual company.

Group Perspective

  • If Group wants to use its own audio-visual company, the Group should negotiate this right and include it in the hotel contract.
  • If the Group utilizes its own audio-visual company, it is reasonable for the Hotel to seek to be indemnified by the Group’s audio-visual company and to require that company to provide proof of liability insurance.
  • Some hotels are under the jurisdiction of a labor union and, as a result, some services may not be able to be provided by the Group’s audio-visual company.

Hotel Perspective

  • The hotel’s agreement with exclusive providers, including A/V companies may not allow for outside A/V providers, so the request to use an outside provider should be included in the RFP or sourcing proposal.
  • Some exclusive agreements or union requirements allow for third parties, but require the union employees or the A/V company to provide “stand-by” supervision of the outside company. These charges should be factored in when considering the use of an outside company.
  • Insurance and indemnification requirements for outside A/V benefits both the group and the hotel, as it provides protection for both for claims arising out of the A/V provider’s fault.