Sourcing Academy
Marketing or Use of Public Space
Marketing Your Meeting in the Hotel’s Public Space
In this video, you’ll learn about how to approach marketing your meeting in the hotel’s public space and how to approach the conversation with the hotel.
Barbara Dunn (representing Groups) Partner at Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Lisa Sommer Devlin (representing Hotels) Devlin Law Firm, P.C.
- Many hotels have started charging groups for use of public space within the hotel for which the group would want to place banners, signage, vinyl clings, Gobos, etc. This issue should be addressed in the hotel contract and any cost for such use should be specified. The cost, if any, would be separate from any labor fees (such as those to hang banners) which would need to be paid by the Group or sponsor.
Group Perspective
- If the Group wants to offer sponsorship packages which include use of public space at the Hotel, the Group should negotiate the right to be able to use the space without any charge except for any labor fees.
Hotel Perspective
- Groups are not usually allowed to place anything in public areas, since hotels usually host multiple groups at the same time. Groups who want to take advantage of public areas should pay for the privilege since other customers do not get to use the space.